
Breathe Deeply to Activate Your Cells

Breathe Deeply to Activate Your Cells__1162021
by Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey

We all should remember that our bodies not only requires nourishing foods, rest, exercise and water, but BREATH helps us to clearly connect with ALL of our CELLS. When we utilize deep breathing we are connecting with the cells in our lungs as well as throughout our entire body. As we grow in greater awareness of how we breathe, then we begin to remember how breathing quietly, evenly and deeply can allow us to refine the levels of energy we accumulate (inhalations) and discharge (exhalations) on a daily basis. Pay attention to how you are breathing during sleeping/napping, walking, jogging/running, hiking, playing sports, watching television, listening to radio and even reading and food consumption.

The study of breathing is very important to our sense of surviving versus thriving. Our ability to breathe deeply aids us in handling our physical, mental and emotional nature. One of my methods I use is to remember that my cells are alive and overflowing with divine intelligence. This means that they are always communicating with me through my breathing and being aware how I breathe. The breath empowers us to be astutely aware of ourselves in any given environment. I have learned to sense and feel their energy levels as they are deeply reflected in me now.

Through deep breathing we can begin to activate higher energy levels, the feeling and awareness of revitalization and youthfulness, inner power and strength. We can remember that we are connecting to the divine intelligence of our cells. The more we do this we can remember we are Spiritual Sentient Beings.

Breathe Deeply to Activate Your Cells__1162021
by Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey
All rights reserved.


You are a Magnet for Prosperity & Abundance

We are always attracting and repelling our desires unconsciously and consciously. There are moments in our lives where we are unaware that we are indulging in negative thinking through constant worry and anxiety. We allow repetitive thoughts, over analyzing errors we have made has often dictated our outcomes. Sometimes when we are not paying attention to our internal chatter, then we see ourselves repeating old programs and patterns of behavior causing ourselves to go backwards. We might have forgotten that our emotions are like the currents of magnetism that draws that which we constantly think about and feel. Magnetic energy corresponds to our feelings. The late Rev. Ike used to teach: “Let the Feelings get the Blessings!” What he meant is that our Feelings draw to us the same Mental images that match the frequency of the feelings we have. Another way of explaining this is: “We do not have the faith to achieve our desires, because we identify with our past failures – we feel that our past is all that we have.”

We can win the battle over the past belief system of not having by diligently and deliberately expecting the unseen and uncommon possibilities to materialize in our lives. We can do this by reminding ourselves that we have accomplished this before. Even though you can draw from your memory an immediate experience, you have at some point in your life been successful at achieving an idea.

Remember when you were a child and you saw a toy that you wanted. That image of the toy in your possession couple with the image of you playing with that toy began to bring it into existence. You began to talk out loud about the things you would do if you had it. You told your parents, siblings, relatives and friends all about the toy. This toy was magnificent in your eyes and you began to “feel it” in your hands. You even went back to the store where you first saw it or had seen numerous print ads or ads of it on television. The energy of having it has been building up and became higher with so much vibrant frequency that this toy finally “showed up” in your life. Basically, You Manifested it. Below are a few links that can help you bring back the magic of prosperity and abundance for you can learn how to become a magnet for a better life.


Celestial I AM Presence Portraits by Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey

A Celestial I AM Presence Portrait is an accumulative expression of who you are now (when this portraiture is made) and hints at the possible journey you are coming into at this moment in your life. It often can show the particular elements connected to the expression of who you’re desiring to become. The energies surrounding such work is expressing itself through a variety of elements that Brother Francis receives from you as they appear by way of Sound, Symbols (static or moving), Numbers, Words, Scenery within Your Auric field. Brother Francis does not focus on an exact likeness of you. The reason for this is so that he can remain open to your auric field and what stands out as significant during any given session.

The session is unique in the sense that Brother Francis is offering a mini-spiritual insight during the session while he is engaged in drawing your energy. He has been engaged in this type of art work since April 2018 and you can see him creating them during any of the Psychic – Healing Art Fairs held at Resonant Essentials in Albuquerque, NM. The prices are different when done at RE for thirty minutes and much higher when done outside of RE through the internet as he has been commissioned to do so using his Zoom platform so that you both are participating from the comfort of your homes.

If you would like to receive yours during one of the monthly RE Fairs or over the internet, then be sure to email Brother Francis at – iam.circleofgrace1@gmail for an appointment (or walk in) – for more information or call him: 505.220.2583.


Compassion: How to Encompass Your Passion for Life

Often we are unaware that we have our passions which can either lead us into enjoying a better life right in the midst of what we call now or we find ourselves overwhelmed with life only because we may have lost the basic keys to living stress free life. Stress is the largest factor in sapping our strength, diluting our focus and erasing pleasure directly out of our passionate natures. Sometimes we seem to not remember how to be stress free because we have allowed it to conquer our well-being. Many of us have acquired the “thick skin mentality” where nothing or no one seems to bother us. Others amongst us are too sensitive and find themselves stressed out that way as well. But I think with those generalizations being mentioned, for the most part all of us allow the negative energy to accumulate because we are not responding fast enough to dissolve or redirect it. How many of you have thought: “Oh that bad feeling will just go” or “Mrs. X did not mean to say what she said to me” Sometimes we let others get away with their bad behavior which trains them to mistreat us because we are not standing up for ourselves.

We do this too many times and begin to not protect our emotional and mental selves. We become burnt out emotionally and mentally which can lead to physical illnesses. While this starts to happen we might sabotage our intricate relationship with our loved ones and even with ourselves. We do that by becoming upset with ourselves because we are allowing others to mistreat us. We might lash out at others. Our passions begin to erode so fast that we no longer know how to have fun, be happy, or even feel relieved let alone be appreciative toward others. We have grown egotistical, selfish and perhaps, too self-important. No one else matters but us. We fall into experiencing self-hatred and in turn hate others.

The key to turning all of this around is the use of COMPASSION in our lives. First, we must diligently apply it to ourselves and as we do that we are able to help others. As you begin to grow it like a seed within your heart and mind, then you are clearly able to assist others. When you have compassion for someone else’s sufferings and misfortunes you allow yourself to connect and feel them. You begin to develop a degree of understanding that you did not have before and that level of understanding grows within you. As that happens you begin to see and intend a better vision for another if they are seeking it. When you are a compassionate being you are living through your heart and not your mind.

Tune into my live thirty minute video show Every Thursday on Facebook through the RESONANT ESSENTIALS – THE GROUP page entitled – WISDOM KEYS with BROTHER FRANCIS this Thursday December 17th at 1PM MST as my topic shall be ~ “Compassion – How to Encompass Your Passion for Life.” Every Thursday I offer different presentations so be sure to tune in and invite your friends and loved ones!


The Power of Numbers with Brother Francis…Pt.1

The study of number is quite exciting and I have found that NUMBERS are always in motion in our lives….they “follow” us and sometimes impact our lives. Can you imagine numbers “popping up” throughout your own life on a regular basis? I have many clients, colleagues and friends tell me that certain numbers frequent their own lives. Residential numbers, places of work, phone numbers, street numbers and names just seem to travel with them.

Through my many years of study and application I have found numbers traveling through my life as well in the form of one’s date of birth. Many years ago (1980s) I coined this phrase: “Numerology is the Shorthand of Astrology!” That was because in my late night studies I discovered that numbers corresponded to astrological sun signs and their ruling planets along with weekdays in this manner for #s 1 through 9:

1 represents the Sun that rules Leo. Sunday.
2 represents the Moon that rules Cancer. Monday.
3 represents Jupiter that rules Sagittarius. Thursday.
4 represents Uranus the ruler of Aquarius. Sunday.
5 represents Mercury the ruler of Gemini and Virgo. Wednesday.
6 represents Venus the ruler of Taurus and Libra. Friday.
7 represents Neptune the ruler of Pisces. Monday.
8 represents Saturn the ruler of Capricorn. Saturday.
9 represents Mars the ruler of Aries and Scorpio. Tuesday.

There are many numerological systems, but there are two that have been very popular: Pythagorean which is more referred to as Modern Alphabet and my favorite is the Chaldean Alphabet. I teach people how to use both to gain access to one’s name and explore the different numerical values but when I do actual charts I love utilizing the Chaldean system. Next time, I will share what each alphabet looks like in The Powers of Numbers with Brother Francis…Part 2.

The Power of Numbers with Brother Francis…Pt 1
Copyright (c) 2020 ~ Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey
All rights reserved.


The Art of the Swing Improves Your Life

Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey shares the fascinating subject on “The Art of the Swing Improves Your Life ~ How to Use a Pendulum to Improve Your Life”. He will share with you how to ask a question with clarity so that you can clearly receive your answer. Brother Francis will reveal to you who the energy that actually moves your pendulum.

Get your Pendulum and Notebook. Tune into his weekly Thursday Live Video TV on Facebook with RESONANT ESSENTIALS ~ THE GROUP watch his presentation THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10TH, 2020 @ 1:00 PM MST for this 30 minute presentation.


All is One

All is One_12072016
by Brother Francis Revels-Bey 

Within every breath Yang can soften itself.

Stepping lightly, Yin comes forth
Sensing deep enough
Forcing absolutely nothing, yet feeling and allow nothing more but roll back so one can press forward…

Cloud hands float right to left, up and down
Moving ever so gently to turn around as Balls of Chi rise from the ground Upward and floating through the spine
Floating up through one’s Crown and down the center again.
Let us ride the wave as we walk upon streams,  ridges, rims of Chi from every angle…
Remembrance happening within the cells and light pours on through your “wheels of light” (chakras).  Heart-Palming action with Golden Chi Balls rolling off fingertips….

Braided Cords descend from above as many ones Ascend from beneath the body that’s now  light as a feather.
Inhale to rise. Exhale and sit.

All made easy.

Breathe from within for All is One.

All is One_12072016
Copyright (c) 2016 -Brother Francis Revels-Bey
All rights reserved.


A Universal Affirmative Prayer & Decree to Change the Weather of Your Mind

A Universal Affirmative Prayer & Decree to Change the Weather of Your Mind by Brother Francis Revels-Bey

Today & Everyday I shall affirm that I remember that I am First & Foremost a Replica of the Infinite Thought of God, and I AM always remembering my Divine Connection is always overflowing abundantly upon the face of Mother Earth.

Each and Every Moment called “NOW” actually means that The Spirit called “I AM” is never ending, whole and complete; whenever I think of myself as an “individual” it means that I am a full integral part of GOD’S OWN CREATION….Therefore, I simply acknowledge that THE I AM PRESENCE called GOD is always present within me. There are no separations in my mental process nor in my feeling process, and not even in my physical presence, for what I see around me is really an illusion.

I affirm that I and GOD are really and truly ONE
I affirm that no matter what the weather and climate outside of myself, the I AM within me can easily see, feel, know and understand that I AM feeling the excitement of being alive, of being happy and joyful within myself.

I affirm that I AM totally responsible for making and having myself being just as happy and free within my own mind.

I affirm that GOD-in-Me is absolutely pleased with me. GOD in me as Me called I AM means that I shall always be free in my own mind and happy all of the time.

I affirm that I celebrate Life and Living as I AM which is GOD IN ME. I affirm that GOD is always and infinitely my unfailing supply of absolute support and prosperity abundance right here and now in my life.


Brother Francis E. Revels-Bey

Copyright © 2010-2016 by Francis E. Revels-Bey
All rights reserved.


Excerpts from Brother Francis’ Books

“There are many spiritual experiences that have molded me and continue to mold my particular light path. The first was a vision that came to me at age 8. I thought it was merely a dream. It unfolded in the deepest hour of my sleep. In the dream vision I was approximately 18 years of age in my freshman year of college and was watching a friendly game of volleyball amongst a group of students. The scenery depicted the early fall season and I was asked to by a new friend to take someone’s place. I accepted without hesitation. As time went on I began to physically experience the sensations of twitching and internal excitement which I merely brushed off as nervousness and the inkling of my naturally shy side arising to the surface.” Dancing in the Light of Divine Grace – Chapter 1 – My First Vision.

“Some moments there is light and in other moments there is darkness. I am no longer in a place of darkness and no longer without resilient power. As I peer deep within I see all of you. As I come into the throne of myself I see all of you. Thus, within every level of light and darkness I see the Infinite You, the Oneness of who we are forever being. I AM is always aware if Us as we are likened to the same fruit, seed and root. Through the power of silence I have come free and the whirling petals of light I feel all of you. Silence is my medicine and it is sweet. The silence brings me a wealth of energy where I can truly draw into me The Great Central Sun and my homeland.” Beloved Ahkenaten speaks from The Wisdom Of Ahkenaten As I AM- Chapter 1 – Silence.

“My Beloved Ahkenaten and I in essence ‘walked into’ these bodies where we delivered the teachings to all who were ready. We prepared many of you for these moments of ascension and transcendence through many moments of silence so that you could recognize that you are the absolute gateway – the open door to go back into the celestial realms…The external dance shows up as feminine and masculine forms of beings, but the true dance is the presence within personified by the double cobras. You must override your miscreated self – your ego for it stands between you being separated or being connected to your divine celestial self.” Beloved Nefertiti speaks from The Gift – The Wisdom Of Nefertiti As I AM – Chapter 1 – The Gift of Oneness.

“Sirius as The Great Central Sun is the Heart of Divine Source. The Seed is Unconditional Love and Divine Grace which is encoded into all of our true natures. This is why on the earthly side we are always seeking love when it is is already within us. However, what we often forget is that we have to get ourselves clear of the gunk, purify our mental and emotional bodies while clearing the physical body, then strengthen the physical body as well. As you do all of these you begin to have a clearer memory and you notice your systems are working together and not separate from each other. You begin to love yourself more and you begin to regenerate more Unconditional Love so that you are as Beloveds Ahkenaten and Nefertiti have said in their teachings – Beloved…that is being love First in order to Be Loved…” Brother Francis writes from The Age Of Remembrance – The Divine I AM Presence in Selenite – Chapter 2 – The Seed and Heart of Divine Source.